Our Products

From the restoration of broken packaging we produce used pallets for all industries. Using recycled material, we can collect non-standard pallets for the customer, in addition to the production of new packaging containers and pallets.

New standard pallets

New standard pallets

Our range of new standard pallets

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New custom-made pallets

New custom-made pallets

Our range of new custom-made pallets.

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Special packaging

Special packaging

Our company has always produced special packaging of all kinds for various uses.

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Standard used pallets

Standard used pallets

Out of respect for the environment and for our future we recover standard pallets.

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Non-standard used pallets

Non-standard used pallets

Recuperiamo anche pallets di misure “non standard”; e produciamo pallets speciali su misura con…

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Plastic packaging

Plastic packaging

A separate section should be dedicated to this product, which is strictly required in some food and…

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Sawdust and chips

Sawdust and chips

The sawmill plant also produces wood chips and sawdust, often with relatively low humidity. Our…

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